Board of Trustees
RCR > The Trust > Board of Trustees


Trustees shall be serving or former serving members of The Regiment. Two other trustees who do not meet this criterion may be appointed when their expertise is deemed beneficial. Trustees have access to detailed information on Regimental activities but maintain an “arm’s length” working relationship with other components of The Regiment to maintain the Trust’s Not for Profit status.
The Agreement and Declaration of Trust contain specific details of terms of reference, tenure, replacement, and addition of other trustees.

Executive Officers

Norris Pettis, Col (Ret’d)

Vice Chair

Tim Robinson, Maj (Ret’d)

Gerry Shellington, Maj (Ret’d)

Sandy McQuarrie, Col (Ret’d)
Fund Raising

Trustees (by reason of their appointment)

LCol Piers Pappin
Regimental Secretary

Maj Mark Gill
Regimental Major

Eric Christensen, CWO (ret’d)
The RCR Association Representative

John Mombourquette
Chair of The RCR Museum Board

Other Trustees

Mark Twohey, Maj (Ret’d)

This website is owned and operated by The RCR Association, a private, third-party to the Department of National Defence. The content and links appearing on this website are the responsibility of The RCR Association and do not reflect the views or policies of the Government of Canada. Open-source information regarding the serving components of The Royal Canadian Regiment is provided courtesy of the Canadian Armed Forces. The official emblems of the regiment are used with the permission of Regimental Headquarters, The RCR.

Ce site internet est la propriété de l’Association du RCR qui en assure le fonctionnement; c’est un troisième parti du Département de la Défense Nationale et est privé. Le contenu et les liens qui figurent sur ce site sont sous la responsabilité de l’Association du RCR et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les politiques et les vues du gouvernement du Canada. Ces sources de renseignements concernant les membres des services actuels des Royal Canadian Régiment nous sont gracieusement fournies par les Forces Armées Canadiennes. Les emblèmes officiels du régiment sont utilisés avec la permission du quartier général du Régiment, le RCR.