Various funds within The RCR Trust Fund have been created to support the financial needs of Regimental activities. The names of the current funds and their purpose are described in the table below.
Name | Purpose | 2025 Budget |
The Regimental Operations Support Fund
(MGen DC Spry, DSO Fund) |
Supports Regimental Headquarters operations, including funds for the museum, salary for the Regimental archivist, a sports fund, and the Trust’s operations. This fund also supports VCP benefits, Col of the Regt travel expenses, and Trust expenses, including accountant’s fees. | $147,500 |
Regimental Full-Dress Fund
(Brig. Eric Snow, OBE Memorial Fund) |
Supports maintenance and replenishment of Dress Uniforms and the Pipes and Drums | $20,000 |
Children of the Fallen Fund
(Cpl Brent Poland Education Fund) |
Provides post-secondary financial support to the children of members who died in service to Canada | $10,000 or as required |
Regimental Units Support Fund
(The Margaret and Tom Lawson Fund) |
Provides an annual allowance to units to support their activities | $24,000 |
4th Battalion Fund
(Brig. RH Beattie, MC Fund) |
4RCR funds used to support their activities | As requested |
The RCR Museum Fund
(Col. PR Bigham, DSO Fund) |
Provides financial support to the operations of the RCR Museum, including Wages and benefits, Marketing, Administration, and Collections | $180,000 |
RCR Museum Reserve Fund | Support to RCRM special projects | As requested |
The RCR Association Support Fund
(includes the LCol Hon Ray Lawson, OBE Fund) |
Support RCR Association operations and regimental communications, including the Regimental journal, Pro Patria.
The RCRA also receives funds to award educational bursaries to members of the regimental family |
$20,000 |
The Royal Canadian Regiment Association Assistance Fund | Funds managed by the RCRA to provide emergency direct assistance to members of the Regimental Family | $12,000 or as required |
The Academic Awards Fund
(Brig Milton Gregg, VC Fund) |
Provides annual bursaries to students chosen by the University of New Brunswick, Acadia, Western, Memorial and RMC | $6,000 |
The RCR Heritage Fund
(The Jack and Sheila Vance Fund) |
Provides funds to support history projects and other Regimental heritage projects that may arise | Up to $50,000 to complete the Vol III project. |